Just read this article on the National Post about foreign ownership in Canada. You can read the full article here: CMHC Foreign Ownership
As I live in Vancouver, I don’t want to speak too much for the rest of Canada. Given my experience with foreign purchasers in the city, I am a bit skeptical that these figures are very underrepresented. Locals who are first time buyers and those who live downtown know that many homes in the city are owned by foreigners.
The concern, of course, is if there is an economic change in the global economy and in particular the areas where most of the foreign investment is coming from (notably China and other areas of Asia and to some extent USA and Europe), there could be a potentially large sell off of property and trigger a collapse in the housing market.
Benjamin Tal’s thoughts echoed mine. What is the criteria to determine foreign ownership. Many homes here are owned by a landed immigrant or Canadian citizens with substantial money coming from offshore. Examples include young adults who are either born here or have recently immigrated here to go to school who purchase homes with help from family with money overseas. Ultimately, here is no reliable way to measure foreign investment here unless it becomes mandatory to disclose ownership.